R&D Capacity
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Currentlyover 30% of the employees in the company specialize in R&D. We have establisheda R&D team with multiple authoritative experts from Chinese Academy ofSciences as its core members (many of them enjoy special government allowancefrom the State Council). For many years, we are always dedicated to the researchand development of high-polymers including organic silicon and epoxy resin.Meanwhile, we constantly expand new technical fields by establishing strategicpartnership with authoritative academic institutions and enterprises in theindustry.

LiPing, researcher, chief scientist

Li Ping is the chief scientist of the organicsilicon macromolecular material technical platform of the company and enjoys specialgovernment allowance from the State Council. Also, Li is a well-known expert inthe field of organic silicon. Li was a member of the second and the thirdcouncils of China Association of FluorineandSiliconeIndustryOrganic Silicon Professional Committee and a member of the seventh academiccommittee of Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Furthermore,Li obtained multiple awards including National Science Assembly Award, NationalInvention Third Prize, Technological Progress First Prize and Third Prize of ChineseAcademy of Sciences, etc..

NieXuzong, researcher, chief scientist

Nie Xuzong is the chief scientist of epoxy resinmacromolecular material technical platform of the company andenjoys special governmentallowance from the State Council. Niepublished published 15 papers in domestic and international famous periodicalsand obtained four Scientific and Technological Advancement Awards of ChineseAcademy of Sciences.

SunXianyu, researcher and chief scientist

Sun Xianyu is the chief scientist of PUmacromolecular material technical platform of the company and enjoys specialgovernment allowance from the State Council. Sun was the director of BeijingNew Material Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences and engaged in researchwork in Institute of Chemistry and Institute of Photographic Chemistry, ChineseAcademy of Sciences for many years. So far, Sun has obtained over tenscientific achievements and multiple rewards from the state and relevantministries and commissions, and successfully industrialized multiple scientificachievements.

WangLijuan, researcher and chief engineer

Wang is technical chief engineer of the company aswell as an expert in the field of epoxy resin macromolecular material. Wang once obtained MajorAchievement Award, First Achievement Award and First Progress Award of ChineseAcademy of Sciences as well as National Scientific and Technological ProgressSpecial Award.

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